Giving and Stewardship
We are grateful to our generous donors who support St James' Church financially and help us to serve our community. If you would like to make a donation towards the work of St James' Church please find the relevant bank details on the donation form here. This includes a Gift Aid declaration - if you are a taxpayer please complete the form to Gift Aid your donation (at no extra cost to you). St James’ Church receives 25p extra for each £1 you give under Gift Aid. There is no requirement to complete the form other than for Gift Aid purposes.
If you are a member of the St James' Church congregation or want to support us on a longer-term basis, making a regular donation helps us to budget for our costs and make plans for the future. More details on how to do this can be found in the Stewardship section below.
Any giving by cheque or cash is, of course, also welcome. If you are visiting St James' Church, donations can also been made using our cashless donations machine.
All information about giving is confidential.
Fairbite Food Club Queen Edith's
Our Fairbite Food Club enables local people experiencing food poverty to access subsidised food and support from other local agencies. If you would like to make a donation to support the Fairbite Food Club, you can find details about how to do so here.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly
John 10:10
Generosity is at the heart of our faith, we believe in a generous God and our own generosity is a testament and hallmark of our faith in action. The ministry and mission of The Church of England is largely funded through the incredible generosity of those who give to it. Regular giving is at the heart of this generosity, helping us to budget for our costs and make plans for the future. For St James', this regular giving makes up over three-quarters of our total giving income and over 60% of our total income (2023 figures).
The target suggested by the Church of England for giving is 5% of post-tax income to and through the church and a similar amount to other charities, based on the tradition of the tithe. But do whatever feels right for you and this basis may indeed change over time.
Please consider how much you can give to St James’ Church as part of your charitable giving. Please be as generous as you can and, if you are not already doing so, start a regular pledge, or consider whether you can increase your current giving.
If you are a taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation (at no extra cost to you). St James’ Church receives 25p extra for each £1 you give under Gift Aid.
How can I make a regular donation?
The simplest way to make a regular donation is to set up a standing order with your bank, which is then easy for you to modify at a later date. This form can be given to your bank, or you can set this up online or via your mobile banking app using the bank details on the form. This also contains a Gift Aid declaration to be returned to the treasurer (see below) if you want St James' Church to be able to reclaim Gift Aid on your donations.
Legacies have made an important contribution to St James’ Church and enabled us to fund improvements and the care of the building. Please consider including a legacy to St James’ Church in your will, helping to secure the long-term future for our church.
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
Our treasurer, Sue Wilson, will be happy to answer any questions about making donations, setting up regular giving, Gift Aid or other tax-efficient giving methods, as well as questions about leaving a legacy. Her contact details are here.