Sunday 5 January |
Jon |
Introit |
See him lying on a bed of straw |
Sheet |
Gloria |
Anderson |
Gradual |
We three kings of orient are |
Offertory |
Star of wonder! Light to lead us |
Sheet |
Tune: Sing hosannah |
Communion |
Lord, the light of your love is shining |
Sheet |
Recessional |
Joy to the world |
Sheet |
Anthem |
Star of wonder |
Sheet |
Alan Bullard |
Sunday 12 January |
Cheney |
Introit |
On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry |
NEH 12 |
Offertory |
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun |
NEH 388 |
First tune, Truro |
Communion |
The race that long in darkness pined |
NEH 57 |
Recessional |
Crown him with many crowns |
NEH 352 |
Psalm |
29 |
Anthem |
O holy spirit, Lord of grace |
NCAB 275 |
Christopher Tye |
Sunday 19 January |
Eleanor |
Introit |
Hail to the Lord's annointed |
NEH 55 |
Offertory |
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness |
NEH 280 |
Omit 2 |
Communion |
God is love, and where true love is |
NEH 513 |
Recessional |
Through all the changing scenes of life |
NEH 467 |
Psalm |
36:5–10 |
Anthem |
O taste and see |
Sheet |
Vaughan Williams |
Sunday 26 January |
Brian |
Introit |
Christ, whose glory fills the skies |
NEH 234 |
Offertory |
Firmly I believe and truly |
NEH 360 |
Communion |
Father of heaven, whose love profound |
NEH 358 |
Second tune, Rievaulx |
Recessional |
King of glory, King of peace |
NEH 391 |
Psalm |
19 |
Anthem |
Lead me Lord |
NCAB 206 |
SS Wesley |
Sunday 2 February |
Howard |
Introit |
Here in this place |
Sheet |
Gloria |
Anderson |
Gradual |
Will you come and follow me |
Sheet |
Offertory |
Love divine, all loves excelling |
NEH 408 |
Communion |
Eat this bread |
Sheet |
Taizé |
Recessional |
You shall go out with joy |
Sheet |
Anthem |
Christ is come |
Sheet |
David Ogden |
Sunday 9 February |
Brian |
Introit |
My God, how wonderful thou art |
NEH 410 |
Offertory |
And can it be |
Sheet |
CAHON 32 |
Communion |
Dear Lord and Father of mankind |
NEH 353 |
Recessional |
Now is eternal life |
NEH 114 |
Psalm |
138 |
Anthem |
Gloria |
Sheet |
Vivaldi |
Sunday 16 February |
Cheney |
Introit |
All my hope on God is founded |
NEH 333 |
Offertory |
Breathe on me breath of God |
NEH 342 |
Tune 178 Carlisle |
Communion |
Blest are the pure in heart |
NEH 341 |
Recessional |
Through all the changing scenes of life |
NEH 467 |
Psalm |
1 |
Anthem |
Holy is the true light |
NCAB 164 |
William Harris |
Sunday 23 February |
Jon |
Introit |
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun |
NEH 388 |
Offertory |
Praise to the holiest in the height |
NEH 439 |
Communion |
Eternal Father, strong to save |
NEH 354 |
Recessional |
Thou whose almighty word |
NEH 466 |
Psalm |
65 |
Anthem |
O God, the King of glory |
AfC 136 |
Henry Purcell |
Sunday 2 March |
Howard |
Introit |
Christ be our light |
Sheet |
Gloria |
Anderson |
Gradual |
Lord, the light of your love is shining |
Sheet |
Offertory |
Jesus these eyes have never seen |
NEH 389 |
Communion |
Lord Jesus, think on me |
NEH 70 |
Recessional |
I the Lord of sea and sky |
Sheet |
Anthem |
Lift up your heads, O ye gates |
AfC 81 |
William Matthias |
Ash Wednesday 5 March |
Howard |
Introit |
Forty days and forty nights |
NEH 67 |
Offertory |
Father of heaven, whose love profound |
NEH 358 |
Second tune, Rievaulx |
Communion |
Drop, drop, slow tears |
NEH 82 |
Recessional |
O for a closer walk with God |
NEH 414 |
Psalm |
51:1–13 |
Anthem |
Come down O love divine |
NCAB 94 |
William Harris |
Sunday 9 March |
Howard |
Introit |
God is working his purpose out |
NEH 495 |
Offertory |
My God, how wonderful thou art |
NEH 410 |
Communion |
Sweet sacrament divine |
NEH 307 |
Recessional |
Songs of thankfulness and praise |
NEH 56 |
Omit 4 |
Psalm |
91:1–2, 9–16 |
Anthem |
Miserere |
Sheet |
Gregorio Allegri |
Sunday 16 March |
Brian |
Introit |
New every morning is the love |
NEH 238 |
Offertory |
Be thou my vision |
NEH 339 |
Communion |
Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended |
NEH 62 |
Recessional |
Praise to the holiest in the height |
NEH 439 |
Psalm |
27 |
Anthem |
Libera me |
Sheet |
Gabriel Fauré |
Sunday 23 March |
Eleanor |
Introit |
All my hope on God is founded |
NEH 333 |
Offertory |
God moves in a mysterious way |
NEH 365 |
Communion |
We sing the praise of him who died |
NEH 94 |
Recessional |
Praise the Lord! Ye heavens, adore him |
NEH 437 |
Psalm |
63:1–9 |
Anthem |
Panis Angelicus |
AON 402 |
César Franck |
Sunday 30 March Mothering Sunday (all-age) |
Cheney |
Introit |
All ye who seek a comfort sure |
NEH 63 |
Gloria |
Anderson |
Gradual |
Bells of Norwich |
Sheet |
Offertory |
Brother, sister, let me serve you |
Sheet |
Communion |
As the deer pants for the water |
Sheet |
Recessional |
Give me joy in my heart |
Sheet |
Anthem |
Ave verum corpus |
NCAB 48 |
WA Mozart |
Sunday 6 April |
Jon |
Introit |
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us |
NEH 393 |
Offertory |
Just as I am, without one plea |
NEH 294 |
Communion |
Glory be to Jesus |
NEH 83 |
Recessional |
And can it be |
Sheet |
CAHON 32 |
Psalm |
126 |
Anthem |
Drop, drop slow tears |
NCAB 116 |
Orlando Gibbons |
Sunday 13 April |
Eleanor |
Introit |
All glory Lord and honour |
NEH 509 |
Verses 1–6 |
Offertory |
And now, O Father, mindful of the love |
NEH 273 |
Communion |
We sing the praise of him who died |
NEH 94 |
Recessional |
All people that on earth do dwell |
NEH 334 |
Psalm |
118:1–2, 19–29 |
Anthem |
Requiem |
Sheet |
Gabriel Fauré |
Thursday 17 April (Maundy Thursday) |
Jon |
Introit |
At the Lambs's high feast we sing |
NEH 104 |
Omit 3 |
Offertory |
God is love, and where tue love is |
NEH 513 |
Communion |
O sacred head, sore wounded |
NEH 90 |
Omit 2, 3 |
Recessional |
Of the glorious body telling |
NEH 268 |
Stay with me, remain here with me |
Sheet |
Psalm |
116:1, 10–17 |
Anthem |
Were you there? |
Sheet |
arr. Bob Chilcott |
Friday 18 April (Good Friday) |
Eleanor |
Gradual |
When I survey the wondrous cross |
NEH 95 |
Veneration of the cross |
Rock of ages, cleft for me |
NEH 445 |
Preparation of the altar |
Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended |
NEH 62 |
Saturday 19 April (Easter vigil) |
Jon |
Gloria |
Gloria Festiva |
Gradual |
As the deer pants for the water |
CAHON 45 |
Offertory |
Alleluya! Alleluya! |
NEH 103 |
Communion |
This joyful Eastertide |
NEH 121 |
Recessional |
The day of resurrection |
NEH 117 |
Psalm |
Easter anthems |
Anthem |
Now the green blade riseth |
French trad. Arr. Simon Lindley |
Sunday 20 April (Easter Day) |
Cheney |
Introit |
Thine be the glory |
NEH 120 |
Gloria |
Gloria Festiva |
Gradual |
Jesus Christ is risen today |
NEH 110 |
Offertory |
Lord of the dance |
NEH 375 |
Communion |
Now is eternal life |
NEH 114 |
Recessional |
This is the day |
Sheet |
Anthem |
Now the green blade riseth |
French trad. Arr. Simon Lindley |
Sunday 27 April |
Brian |
Introit |
All hail the power of Jesu's name |
NEH 332 |
Omit 2, 3 |
Offertory |
Breathe on me breath of God |
NEH 342 |
Tune Carlisle, NEH 178 |
Communion |
Jesus these eyes have never seen |
NEH 389 |
Recessional |
Alleluya! Alleluya! Hearts to heaven |
NEH 103 |
Psalm |
118:14-29 |